Fields of Study

Petroleum University of Technology offers a limited number of scholarships for international students. This scholarship covers tuition fees and the cost of the dormitory of the students. The accepted students can use other facilities of this university (like food, sports facilities, ...) in subsidized rate. If you are interested, please tick the place for scholarship when you are sending the application.

id # Code Department Field of study Orientation Bachelor Master Phd
5471169004Abadan Faculty of PetroleumOil Engineering Discoveries141314
5482163202Abadan Faculty of PetroleumHealth, Safety, and Environmental Engineering(HSE)141314
5493162711Abadan Faculty of PetroleumSafety and Technical Inspection Engineering 141314
5464169001Abadan Faculty of PetroleumChemical Engineering131414
5435163307Abadan Faculty of PetroleumPetroleum Engineering131414
5446163201Abadan Faculty of PetroleumSafety and Technical Inspection Engineering in Oil and Gas Industrials131414
5457163411Abadan Faculty of PetroleumMechanical Engineering131414
5718111610Tehran Faculty of PetroleumOil and Gas Law141414
5709111611Tehran Faculty of PetroleumProject Management in Oil and Gas141414
56910111612Tehran Faculty of PetroleumHydrocarbon Reservoirs Management141314
56811111613Tehran Faculty of PetroleumOil and Gas Economics141314
56412162709Abadan Faculty of PetroleumMarine & Costal Engineering141314
56613111615Tehran Faculty of PetroleumAccounting131414
56214111616Tehran Faculty of PetroleumInvestment & Finance of Oil & Gas141314
56015141133Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumPetroleum Engineering141413
56116141214Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumChemical Engineering141413
55917141311Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumInstrumentation and Automation Engineering141314
55818141113Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumPetroleum EngineeringDrilling141314
56519141112Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumGas Processing and Transportation Engineering141314
55720141117Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumPetroleum EngineeringProduction141314
55621141122Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumPetroleum Engineering Reservoir141314
56722111614Tehran Faculty of PetroleumManagement Accounting141314
55423141316Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumElectronical Engineering131414
55224141132Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumPetroleum Engineering131414
55325141213Ahvaz Faculty of PetroleumChemical Engineering131414
56326162710Abadan Faculty of PetroleumMechanical EngineeringControl Equipment141314
55127163413Abadan Faculty of PetroleumEnergy Engineering141314
55028163412Abadan Faculty of PetroleumMechanical EngineeringApplied Design141314